My approach

Helping good people lead great things

Helping good people lead great things

Why good; not great?

I'm a father, partner and a son, I want to leave a legacy of change that makes a difference to our children, our planet and to one another.

A couple of years ago I saw this question:

"If you knew you were going to die one year from today what would you do and how would you want to be remembered?"

My reply - I want to give a voice to those who know how to save us from ourselves, which became:

I want to help good people lead great things.

(Doing) Good needs to be the new great.

For far too long great has been defined as “having achieved fame, wealth, or social status”.

I’m not saying you can’t have those if you want them; what I am saying is that if you consider where focusing solely on those has got us; I don’t think it’s got us to the ‘right place’.

What do I coach on?

  • Good Leadership

  • Effective Teams

  • Work/Life Balance

  • Career to Legacy

  • 1st 90 days and next 90 days

  • Leader to Director

  • Change into Performance

  • Playing Politics & Stakeholder Management

  • Business Development

  • Coaching and influencing

Helping human beings, help themselves, is my playing space.

What do I coach on?
Real and lasting behvioural change

“As a coach and facilitator, Stefan can prompt real and lasting behavioural change in teams in a way which is engaging, thought provoking and creates energised, customer focused conversations.

His positivity, engagement, and ability to relate to people at all levels, seems to bring out the very best in teams, creating a strong desire to change and improve.

Paul Waters, Santander

Our results start with our desire to 'be' and are both impacted by and impact upon our home-life and our surroundings.

To forget that costs you and those dearest to you.

Stefan Powell, Executive Coach



What would it mean to work with Stefan?

For me, life has always been about finding joy and following my heart and what my instincts tell me.

The good people I work with, who want to lead great things, often have a real commitment to those around them. This can sometimes be to their own detriment.

Making conscious choices about your future, strategising your next step within a wider career strategy is key to making the long term difference you wish to make and to a happy you and home-life too.

Let me help you to experience life and not just live through it…

Complete the form to get in touch and begin the journey.