What do you want to be known for? Coaching Examples

What do you want to be known for?

What do YOU want to be known for?

WHAT DO YOU WANT to be known for?

It's an important question.

In fact it's so important - I can't work with you - if you won't answer it.

In yesterday afternoons coaching session my client answered it with such powerful reflections and motivation that I thought I would share a little with you today.


You don't need a 'perfect' answer or a 'scripted answer'.

You just need your honest unfiltered answer.

You can refine it, shape it etc later

For now you 'just' need to answer the question.

WHY? because answering it and leaning into it, will genuinely change your life.

How do I know?

Because every coaching programme I run, every change I have delivered, the coffee house and my 1000KM bike ride was made possible, through all the pain, turmoil, tears and rain - because I was honest with myself about the answer.

Sure we can see improvements -without this - but they pale into insignificance with what can be achieved when you know the answer to that question.

What’s my answer?

Genuinely - to be considered the best coach at helping good people lead great things. turning leaders into waves of change and developing coaches so that we can help more good people do the.

How’s it going? Not so bad, there’s more to do. But i’ve made a real start in the past two years since returning to coaching.

  • Deputy DG creating sustainability change and influencing more.

  • CPO doing similar as well as advocating for senior female leaders.

  • On top of that, Digital Director looking to effect org cultural change to serve our nation better.

  • Charity CEO leaning into the disability agenda to a greater degree than ever before and

  • Educational leaders and coach; influencing educational strategy and educational reform.

  • Chatting with coachees who would like to work with me; more work needed here.

Why is this question really so important?

When you know the answer, you are able to plan actions to get there and define behaviours that are congruent with 'it'.

Even more importantly you can use 'it' to drag yourself out of a hole, overcome procrastination and even imposter syndrome when you recognise you ARE being that and/or ARE doing what is needed, consistently, to be that (no matter the reason at this stage).

And YOU CAN celebrate deep down to your core when you are being and doing what is needed and known for that which you 'seek'.

I call it being motivated by ‘visualising what you are excited by and driven by the feeling of what you are fearful of’.

In my 1000km ride I was excited by visualising myself riding under the finishing banner before they closed it down. And I was fearful of not making that time slot. A massive ask in my first one; 30 people dropped out on the first day and I finished with 1.5 hours to spare completing 1000KM in 2 days ride time. I wanted to be one of those ‘who didn’t ‘one of those who didn’t’.

Take another recent coaching client

They want to be known for making a difference and across my four ‘life pillars; thats translates to.

Making a difference…

  • In WORK - They want to be known for making a difference, what that difference is, is sector change where by the sector gives more and takes less (I'll kept woolly for obvious reasons).

  • In REST - That same client wants to be known as doing stuff that makes a difference to who they are at home. If they don't they know they aren't their best selves when they walk through the front door and it impacts home life ands work life.

  • In PLAY - That same client wants to be making a difference to their club mates so they not only help them win games but they make them pull together and support one another before and after a game - not just in it. Creating a community.

  • In Sustenance and LOVE - That same client wants to make a difference to their diet, how they spend their 'off time' and their relationships with their loved ones, so that they are remembered well and that those they care about feel that they were empowered to have a life 'better' than theirs, as a result.

Holding yourself to account…

At the end of every day, or certainly every week - when they review their week and ask themselves, what have I done to make a difference in WORK, REST, PLAY and LOVE and SUSTENANCE. They have the opportunity to celebrate, say I'll 'do better' next week by doing ____________ and they get to feel the deep sense of validation or non validation that makes them try harder.

Yesterdays client

Yesterday’s client walked away ready to rock n roll it and lean into who they want to be; hell - they motivated me to jump straight on here and write this down and she it with you today (tomorrow based upon when I’m writing it).

Some questions for you

My question to you:

What do you want to be known for?

Is that important enough for you to 'lean into the fire' of the things you need to be doing?

If yes, how can you use that, having read this piece, to be the change you wish to see?

If no, what would make it more important? or what would be more important to you than that?

Next Steps

  1. Get in touch - If any of this topic resonated with you and you have something you’d like to share with me or if you’d like to discuss working with me on this topic - stefan@stefanpowell.co.uk works really well for me.

  2. Connect with me on linked in and read my long form posts on the rotating topics of Work, Rest. Play, Sustenance and Love every Thursday

  3. Sign up to my newsletter ‘Be The Waves” here - which collates each weeks long form post on a monthly basis and you’ll get to read it later in the month

  4. I’ll continue this in 4 to 5 Thursdays time when I continue the topic of ‘Rest” in my Thursday Journal.

  5. Book an inquisitive session with me to find out more about what I do and how I do it or run a challenge or thought you have passed me.

For now; thank you

I am…

An executive coach who specialises in helping good people lead great things.Good people care about others, our planet and beauty. Great things are changes for the betterment of society and all that lives within an around it.
It sounds big and fun - it is.

I'm also an endurance racing cyclist and a go. getter.

You can read more about me and what I do; how I work here

#executivecoaching #Leadership #purpose


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