Work - Do you have a cause?

Hello and thank you for reading this.

Every Thursday I write something on the rotating topics of my four ‘life pillars’; work, rest, play and sustenance.

Today it’s time to write my second post on the topic of ‘work’.

I’m using these journal posts as a way of exploring and conceptualising what I’ve seen and known to be true in my work as a coach, leader and business owner for the past 25 years.

The aim, to help you to be the ‘waves of positive change’ that we need in this world and to support others, within their leadership, to do so too.

Last time I wrote about the notion of a cause. Today I will look how you define your cause.

I hope it is useful.


Do you have a cause?

In my last journal post on work; I wrote that great things get delivered when they are a cause.

In order for things to be 'enough of a cause', to drive you to act they need to be:

  • Conscience informed

  • Action orientated

  • (Have) underpinning values

  • Societally focused

  • Equitably framed

Having these elements in place, helps you to make a difference. Imagine, for example, the feeling of having impacted your community, your organisation or even your sector.

The quandary of choosing a cause

Choosing a cause, can create a real quandary; when there are so many things you could get behind.

The change you want to effect needs to be important enough, that it will drive you on. Motivating you to work towards it over 3, 5, 7 or even a life times work.

A cause needs to be powerful enough for you to develop yourself in one role, in order that you can get the next. The aim is to increase your influence, so that you can effect greater change with each step.

A cause connects every action, meeting and strategy session to a longer term ambition. It makes decisions easier. And the most successful clients I work with feel their cause within their bones.

A role that is not attached to a cause larger than a bottom line, Is a number.

That number could be a time to start, a time to finish, or a 'choice' of days holiday. At best, a salary.

Being a number is miserable; no matter how big that number.

A cause; changes everything

A cause can be your purpose or a cause can serve your purpose

In my case, I have a purpose as well as a cause. My purpose is to (re) create a thriving planet.

I am unable to see what is more impotent than a thriving world. A world, in which the planet, its inhabitants, and both its history and future get preserved and built upon.

In driving to fulfil that purpose, I also have causes which I'd like to effect too. Formed through the lived experiences of myself and loved ones - I am compelled to address them.

The causes, I want effect whilst working in service of my purpose are:

  • Equality and Inclusion

  • Leadership and Coaching


  • Mental Health and Worklife Balance.

Why these? Limiters, Enablers & Lessons

I chose these because, I achieved, despite the limiters I had to face at the start of my life.

Empowered by the leaders I have had in my career, being coached and taught to coach, have been enablers which have changed my life.

Overcoming 2 break downs taught me great lessons that I wish to share.

How does this apply to you?

Recognising enablers, limiters and lessons are key to choosing your causes, in life. Identifying your contribution to a bigger purpose starts there.

It doesnt have to be your cause. Sometimes, the causes of others can become our cause.

Incensed by the plight of those we care about; we can also choose to lean into that cause for them.

So what are your 'limiters'?

Looking back over your life and even now, what or who would you say has slowed you down or hindered your progress?

  • What have you had to rail agains and lean into?

  • What have been the insecurities that you have had to face?


  • What have those nearest and dearest to you had to put up with that yoy'd like to change?

  • What do these tell you are the causes you should get behind and fight to change?

Imagine how life might have been if you hadn't had to face these limiters.

So what are your 'enablers'?

Looking back over your life and even now, what or who would you say has enabled you to see the success you have?

  • What have you expoerienced which has enabled you to rise?

  • Who and what have been the enablers to your successes?


  • What has helped those nearest and dearest to you in life?

  • What do these tell you are the causes you should get behind and fight for?

Imagine how life might have been if you had experienced these enablers sooner.

So what are your 'lessons to share'?

Looking back over your life and even now, what are the lessons that life has taught you? and how have these helped you?

  • What have been the challenges you have faced and overcome in life?

  • What lessons have these challenges taught you that you feel others share?


  • What lessons have those nearest and dearest to you, had to learn in life?

  • What do these tell you are the lessons and causes you should get behind and share?

Imagine how life might have been if you had learned these lesson sooner.

How do you connect your causes to a bigger purpose?

At the start of this piece, I said that I had a purpose as well as causes. How do you connect these to a purpose? In my experience you have one of three choices:

  1. You remain a number and you neither rally against a cause or live a life in service to a purpose.

  2. You prioritise which of your causes you will focus on. Will it be your limiter, your enabler or your lesson you take forward as your cause?

  3. You prioritise which of your causes you will focus on and you attach this to a higher purpose. Effecting your cause on the journey.

In my case...

I have prioritised leadership and coaching as the cause I will address.

For me, enabling good people to lead and coach, addresses inequality and inclusion.

Great leadership and coaching grows people and addresses well being and mental health.

And great leadership, by good people, is imperative for a thriving world.

A quote by Danielle Toby

A cause swirls like a rising ocean and I love this quote by Danielle Toby as it encapsulates the feeling I have when i’m doing truly purposeful work:

"When you create a difference in someone's life, you not only impact their life, you impact everyone influenced by them throughout their entire lifetime. No act is ever too small. One by one, this is how to make an ocean rise".

What’s your quote?

Next time; Vision.

Next time, I'd like to begin to walk through the concept of Vision. I'll tell you mine and I’ll ask you yours. For now I'd like to leave you with some questions:

  • What have been your limiters?

  • What have been your enablers?

  • What have been your lessons?

  • What is your difference?


  • What would you like said about you, when you close your eyes for the last time?

I'd love to hear from you

I'd love to hear how this has resonated with you. And I'd love to speak with you if you have a cause and need help maing it a reality.


Enjoyed reading this? I’d love to hear from you.

  1. Get in touch - If any of this topic resonated with you and you have something you’d like to share with me or if you’d like to discuss working with me on this topic - works really well for me.

  2. Connect with me on linked in and read my long form posts on the rotating topics of Work, Rest. Play, Sustenance and Love every Thursday

  3. Sign up to my newsletter ‘Be The Waves” here - which collates each weeks long form post on a monthly basis and you’ll get to read it later in the month

  4. Book an inquisitive session with me to find out more about what I do and how I do it or run a challenge or thought you have passed me.

For now; thank you

I am…

An executive coach who specialises in helping good people lead great things. Good people care about others, our planet and beauty. Great things are changes for the betterment of society and all that lives within an around it.
It sounds big and fun - it is.

I'm also an endurance racing cyclist and a go. getter.

You can read more about me and what I do; how I work here

#executivecoaching #Leadership #purpose


Tools- 3 steps to Work AND Life Balance


Opinion- We need more female leaders.