Coaching Tools: Empowerment Reframing
“In a world where challenges are part of everyday life, it’s common to grapple with negative thoughts, particularly for empathic leaders. These thoughts often arise from high expectations, self-doubt, or external criticism. However, our responses to these feelings can significantly shape our leadership journey. Enter Empowerment Reframing—an effective technique that helps us acknowledge our emotions and transform them into powerful catalysts for growth”.
Coaching Tools: What would make now the right time?
“The prospect of change can evoke a range of emotions, from anxiety and apprehension to excitement and hope. Individuals may worry about the unknown, fearing that change could disrupt their established routines and comfort zones. This uncertainty can manifest as a reluctance to embrace new opportunities, such as coaching, because it requires confronting the familiar and venturing into uncharted territory.”.
Tools- 3 steps to Work AND Life Balance
“You only find balance; by leaning into and deciding upon the balance you want. Plain and simple.
What follows are the three elements which I see consistently help my coachees to find greater balance between work and homelife; between - work, rest, play and sustenance”.